SHORT SALE VS FORECLOSUREThis debate is racing across our nation. It is one of the questions I am asked the most, “Should I let my house go into foreclosure or should I do a short sale?” Everyone seems to understand a foreclosure will not only demolish their credit score , but it will also ruin their chance of getting a decent interest rate on any new financing they want to get in the next few years. A foreclosure is considered a major incident by the credit bureaus. Any major incident can have a devastating impact on your credit score. Other examples of major derogatory credit incidents are bankruptcies, charge offs, judgments and short sales, which are normally accompanied by the term “account settled.” Anytime your credit report has the term, “Settled or Settled for Less than Full Amount,” it is considered a major derogatory incident and can have a major negative impact to your scores. How much it will reduce your score is determined by many reasons some of which we can discuss and some that are kept a secret by Fair Isaac, the inventors of the FICO credit scoring system. We do know the higher your credit score, the more damaging a major derogatory incident will be. In other words, a major incident affects the people that have the furthest to fall.
FORECLOSUREMost people know what this is. A foreclosure is when the bank takes back a home because the homeowner doesn’t make the payments on their home loan or mortgage. In most cases a home doesn’t go into foreclosure until a homeowner is several months behind on the mortgage. A foreclosure can have a double negative impact on a consumer’s credit score. In addition to a foreclosure listing being a major derogatory incident, there are also normally a significant number of late payments reported by the lender to the credit bureaus. These late payments vary in severity from “30–days” late to the much more damaging “90-days” late incident. In many cases there are additional late payments more severe than 90 days being reported, such as the 120 and 150-day late payments. The number of the late payments and the severity of those payments will all contribute to the damage done to your credit scores.
SHORT SALEShort sales are more of a mystery to consumers because there is some confusion regarding the impact they have on their credit scores. Fair Isaac has confirmed that they consider a short sale to be a major derogatory item because of it being listed as a “settled account.” Major derogatory incidents can have a severe negative impact on your credit scores. Most of the cases I’ve been involved with, the main difference between a foreclosure and a short sale is communication. During the foreclosure process the homeowner tends to be more invisible during the process. During a short -sale transaction there is constant communication between the bank and the homeowner. During that time the homeowner or the homeowner’s representative has the opportunity to negotiate with the lender. In addition to negotiating a reduced loan pay-off they could also be negotiating what the lender will report to the three credit bureaus when the transaction is closed. If the lender reports, “Settled or Settled for Less than Full Loan Amount,” the short sale will be considered a major derogatory incident. If the lender doesn’t report the short sale as “Settled or Settled for Less than Full Loan Amount,” then this will not be considered a major derogatory incident and will not have the negative impact. The homeowner may also choose to remain current on their home loan during the short sale process. If they remain current then they will not have the added negative impact of the late payments affecting their score.
AFFECTS ON CREDIT SCOREThe effect a foreclosure or a short sale has on your credit score is impossible to predict because of the variety of other variables impacting the scores. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of not being able to make your mortgage payment, do your research. Call your lender to see what options they have available before making any decisions. Call a professional; there are many different professionals that specialize in these types of transactions. The decision you make could have the largest impact on your credit score than any decision you have ever made.
Need more information? Email me or visit Credit Strategies online.
How will a modification of my loan show on my credit report?
A loan modification will not affect your credit score. Your credit report will simply show the new terms of the loan modification.
Make sure you are using your credit cards to keep them active. Recently I have had many clients call to tell me they received a letter from their credit card holder closing their account due to inactivity. In some cases this may not have an affect on your credit score, but if you use credit and keep balances on your credit cards having a card closed could have a devastating impact on your credit score.
Closing a credit card will reduce the % of available credit you have and if the card that is closed has been on your report for a long time it could also have a negative impact on your score if the closure brings down the age of your credit history.
We offer a complete credit analysis. Call our office for details. 480-502-5554
Wow Lots of great information. Thank you!
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